Easter Singalong

Pupils looked puzzled when told we were performing ‘Live’ at our Easter Sing-along this week.

“Live?” I was asked, “You mean on TV?”

“What happens when you go wrong?!”

So it was with an element of trepidation that we returned to performance to parents at the end of term, even though it was just to get pupils used to an audience again after two years away — a long 2 years which of course meant that many of our younger pupils had never performed to parents and many more had forgotten about this element of school life!

It was great to get the Mount Theatre back in action, with the seating dusted off and ready to go! We hope you enjoyed the experience as much as we did. It was a joy to hear all the children singing together, with songs, old and new, telling the joy of the Easter story and giving a taster for our whole school musical, coming to you during Events Week next term.

Fairholme Preparatory School: Easter Singalong