Up and Running
The diggers were busy at Fairholme over the Easter break and the start of term saw the completion of our multi-purpose, all-weather sports facility. Even before the fencing went up the children were using the area, losing many balls in the process!
This term we are using the new surface for summer sports — tennis, cricket and athletics. During the winter terms it will be used for football, netball and hockey. We are very pleased now to be able to offer an excellent variety of sports for all age groups, ably led by Mr Lewis. The children look very smart in their white trainers and are enjoying having more exercise during the school day. Lunchtime clubs during the summer term include tennis, cricket and rounders and the after-school clubs are making good use of the sports area with a variety of ball games.
At half-term, we are holding another Sports Camp, for boys and girls from Form II upwards, to be run by Mr. Lewis from Tuesday 1 June – Thursday 3 June. Sports will include hurdling, javelin, tennis, cricket and many more.